Page 68 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 68

68                     An Account of the

                Sir William last attended the Lodge on 14 November 1837, and died in the
             following March.
                The first act of the newly-elected Treasurer was to buy an account-book for
             10s., in which the first entry is “1835, 12 Dec. By Cash of Sir Wm Rawlins
             late Treasurer being ballance in his hands – 21.11.1.” From that date onwards
             accounts have been regularly kept, in Bro. Arden’s purchase up to the end of 1900,
             and since then in a book still in use. These accounts have proved of great value in
             supplementing and elucidating the entries in the minutes. Bro. Arden, by the way,
             regularly spells “balance” with two “l’s”.
                In March 1841 a curious system of fines was instituted to keep the Officers and
             others up to the mark in their attendance at the Lodge. This is explained in the
             next chapter. But, as might have been expected, the results were not encouraging,
             and after 1850 the attempt was given up.
                The takings under this scheme are given a page to themselves in the account-
             book in the following form:
                  Dr John Propert Esq in fines a/c with the Lodge of Nine Muses. No 268
                     1843   To Fines paid .................................   2  10
                     1844   To Fines paid .................................   2   5
                     1845   To Fines paid .................................   2   5
                     1846   To Fines paid .................................   2  15
                     1847   To Fines paid .................................   1  12  6
                     1848   To Fines paid .................................   1  17  6
                                                        13   5  0
                     1850                                1   -  -
                                                       £14   5  -
                There is no entry on the credit side
                Bro. Propert became Treasurer in 1843 and held the office for fifteen years. He
             tried evidently to get the system adopted two years previously on to a business
             footing, but had to abandon the attempt; the recorded attendances do not show
             that the fines had any marked effect. What became of those collected before 1843
             is not revealed.
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