Page 229 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 229

Lodge of the Nine Muses               229

              Year  Master   S. Warden   J. Warden   Treasurer  Secretary
                3  Heseltine, F.J.  Emanuel, E.  Robinson, H.  Carlyon-
                4  Emanuel, E.  Robinson, H.  Ross, G.E.A.
                5  Robinson, H.  Ross, G.E.A.  Webb, Walter        Hewett, E.H.
                6  Ross, G.E.A.  Webb, Walter  Hewett, E.H.
                7  Webb, Walter  Hewett, E.H.  Payne, J.H.
                8  Hewett, E.H.  Payne, J.H.  Green, G.S.        Maxwell,
                                                               Lt.Col. G.S.
                9  Payne, J.H.  Carlyon-
              1880  Carlyon-  Green, G.S.  Wildy, A.S.         Webb, Walter
                1  Green, G.S.  Wildy, A.S.  Puleston, J.H.
                2  Wildy, A.S.  Puleston, J.H.  Harrison, W.E.  Heseltine, F.J.
                3  Puleston, J.H.  Harrison, W.E.  Kincaid, J.
                4  Webb, Walter                                Webb,Warwick
                5  Harrison, W.E.  Kincaid, J.  Bigg, H.R.H.
                6  Bigg, H.R.H.  Marshall, E.L.  Cockle, Sir J.        Webb, Walter
                7  Kincaid, J.
                8  Marshall, E.L.  Cockle, Sir J.  Batten, J.B.
                9  Cockle, Sir J.  Batten, J.B.  Smith C.
              1890  Batten, J.B.  Smith C.  Templetown
                1  Smith C.  Templetown Lord Kincaid,
                                         Maj.Gen. W.
                2  Templetown   Kincaid, Maj.  Edwards, E.W.W.
                   Lord      Gen. W.
                3  Kincaid, Maj.  Edwards, E.W.W.  Webb, Wm.
                   Gen. W.
                4  Edwards,   Webb, Wm.  Neild, F.
                5  Neild, F.             Cockle, G.
                6  Webb, Wm.  Cockle, G.  Manville, (Sir) E.
                7  Manville,   White, T.T.  Dawes, F.
                   (Sir) E.
                8  White, T.T.  Dawes, F.  Courage, J.M.
                9  Dawes, F.  Courage, J.M.  Clarke, S.C.
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