Page 119 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 119

Lodge of the Nine Muses               119

               It was moved ... & ... sec .  ... that a cupboard sho  be obtained & exclusively
            appropriated to the Lodge for keeping & preserving the furniture & Jewels and
            that Mr Bacon being in attendance consented on behalf of his partner Mr Cuff &
            himself that the Lodge sho .  be at liberty to apportion a part of the garrets of the
            Tavern for that purpose without any charge to the Lodge for rent or otherwise.
               B .  R E Arden [the I.P.M.] submitted an estimate made by B .  Acklam of the
            expences required when it was determined that the following articles should
            be purchased/ 1 Gauntlets for the W.M./ 2 Winlafs with Ashlers/ 3 Mallet/ 4
            24 Inch gauge/ 5 Sword  (which Bro. Vale kindly offered to present)/6 Mounted
            Pencil/7 Lodge Boards [in the margin “excluded”] /8 Wainscot Pedestals/It was
            ... carried that advertizemts sho .  be inserted in the Times, Herald and Advertizer
            for furniture with a reference to the House of Br. Crew/It was resolved that
            the Committee sho .  meet again for the purpose of ascertaining the result of the
            advertizemts & for general purposes.
               The advertisement duly appeared in The Times on 30 April 1835 and, doubtless,
            in the other two papers; it ran as follows: “Masonic Furniture. WANTED the
            furniture of a Masonic Lodge, handsome and in good condition. Address post
            paid, to L.N.M., 27 Lambs Conduit Street.”
               What steps, if any, were eventually taken about the repairs and new properties
            does not appear. The minutes for 9 May 1835 read thus:

               The meeting of the Committee met pursuant to notice of the resolution of
            the last meeting/
               Present/Br Clarkson W.M/R. E. Arden P.M/Macdougal Sec./It was stated by
            Br. R. E. Arden that  the advertizemts had been  inserted in the  Times Herald
            and Advertizer but that only one answer had been received and that of a very
            unsatisf . character and it was resolved that in consequence of the few members
            of the Committee present the consideration of what sho .  be purchased sho .  be
            submitted to the Lodge at the next meeting of the Lodge on the 12th of May
               There, for the time, the matter seems to have been dropped, for the minutes
            for 12 May say nothing about the taking of any action.

            44  Presumably that still in use.
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