Page 118 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 118

118                    An Account of the

             keeping of the books papers and Archives belonging to the Lodge with an engraved
             plate denoting that it belonged to the Lodge of the Nine Muses and that such Box
             when provided be left with the Books papers and archives, in the pofsefsion and care
             of Mefs .  Willis the proprietors of the Thatched House – carried unanimously and the
             Treasurer undertook to provide a proper box with locks and three keys accordingly.
                This box, if it was provided, has disappeared.
                [27 February 1818]  Ordered that Bro .   Turner be requested to employ a
             person he recommended to repair the Sen  Warden’s chair which it appeared had
             been broken.
                Bro. Turner, formerly Secretary, was appointed Junior Warden at this meeting.
                [14 April 1835] ... moved ... that a committee be appointed to consider the
             state of the furniture and to furnish such as might be necefsary.
                A committee consisting of the W.M., Officers and P.M.s was appointed, two
             to form a quorum.
                [25 April 1835] Persuant to the resolution of the last Lodge & in summonses
             from the Sec. the Committee met at 8 o’/clock in the Ev . –  The W.M. took the
             Chair. A Deputation of the Committee proceeded with Bro. Dawes the Tyler to
             take an inventory of the Furniture when there were found in the pofsefsion of
             the Tyler the following articles
                3 Old Mahogany Elbow chairs / 3 Brafs Candlesticks/ A Bible & Preston on
             Masonry / Silver Square & compass / 3 Ivory Irams / 1 Mahogany D .  / 1 Steel
             Dagger & Case / Ivory Square Plumb & Level / Steel chifsel & Skellet / 2 Small
             Mahogany Jewel Boxes /24 Inch Gauge / a Sword/
                And in a parallel column on the right-hand side of the page

                Jewels / 1 Masters / 1 Senior Warden / 1 Jun .  D .  / 1 Past Master/Secretary &
             Treasurer / 2 Deacons D .  / 1 Master Ceremonies D .  / 1 Inner Guard / Hall Medal.
                This is the first inventory which has come down to us.
                “Preston on Masonry” was no doubt Bro. William Preston’s  Illustrations of
             Masonry; first published in 1772 it ran into many editions. The Lodge’s copy has
             vanished. The minutes continue:
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