Page 25 - The Early History of The Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. UGLE
P. 25
ETWEEN the 14th December, 1805, and 28th March, 1806, when there
were two initiates, the Lodge of the Nine Muses was revived. In a new
BSignature Book, Ruspini signed first and then nine other members, there
being no record of any of these having been members previously. All but one were
either members of the Lodge of Antiquity or the Chapter of St. James or both. It
included such well known Masons of the period as James Savage, Charles Bonner,
J. Woodthorpe, Waller Rodwell Wright, J. Docksey and Sir William Rawlins. It
is unlikely that Ruspini, having handed over the Warrant, ever attended again. Sir
William Rawlins took the lead from the start and it seems that all property, other than
the Candlesticks, was retrieved. Thus the old Lodge of Antiquity paid its debt to the
Lodge of the Nine Muses just before that Lodge was adopted by H.R.H. the Duke
of Sussex.