Page 7 - Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235 Bylaws
P. 7

X                           XIII
 At the regular meeting in January, two Members of the Lodge   Honorary  Members  shall  consist  of  those  Brethren  upon
 together with the Master, shall be elected to form a committee   whom the Lodge has, in accordance with Rule 167 Book of
 to audit the accounts of the Lodge and to check the inventory   Constitution, Conferred the distinction as a mark of respect, or
 of property belonging to the Lodge, as defined in By-Law V.   in consideration of their zeal and exertions in the Lodge.
 They will present reports thereon at the next Regular Lodge
 Meeting in March.           XIV
       A Brother desirous of resigning his Membership must signify
 CANDIDATES FOR INITIATION  such intention, by letter to the Secretary or in open Lodge, and
 Every  Candidate  for  Initiation  in  this  Lodge  shall  be  duly   his  resignation  shall  be  recorded.  (Rule  183  Book  of
 proposed and seconded in open Lodge. Except as otherwise   Constitutions) He remains responsible for any arrears then due
 provided  by  Rule  160  Book  of  Constitutions,  he  shall  be   by him.
 balloted for at the next Regular Meeting of the Lodge and the
 ballot  must be unanimous.  XV
 He shall attend for initiation at the meeting at which he is
 elected or at a subsequent  meeting. If he is not initiated within   ALTERATIONS TO BY-LAWS
 one year after his election, the election is void (Rule 159 Book   No repeal or alteration of, or any addition to these By-Laws,
 of Constitutions).  shall  be  made  until  the  same  have  been  proposed  in  open
       Lodge and notified on the Summons to all Members, discussed
       at a Meeting of the Lodge, confirmed at a subsequent meeting,
 XII   and approved by the M. W. Grand Master.
 Every Brother desirous of joining or rejoining the Lodge shall
 be duly proposed, seconded and balloted for in the same way
 as prescribed in By-Law XI for Initiates. (Rules 163 and 164
 Book of Constitutions).
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