Page 3 - Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235 Bylaws
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I     The  Committee's  duties  shall  be  to  foster  and  co-ordinate
 MEETING PLACE   study of the ancient tradition and ceremonies of Freemasonry
       in  general  and  of  the  Lodge  in  particular,  to  interview
 This Lodge shall meet at Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James's   Candidates for Initiation and joining, to advise the Master
 Street, London  SW1A 1PL on the   Fourth Tuesday in the   upon  the  program  and  conduct  of  the  ceremonies  and
 Months of September, November, January and March.
       generally  to deal with matters requiring attention between the
       regular meetings of the Lodge.
 At the Regular Meeting held in January a Master and Treasurer   No Brother shall be admitted to visit the Lodge unless he shall
 shall be elected by ballot and a Tyler by show of hands by a   be  satisfactorily  vouched  for  and  introduced  by  a  member
 majority of the Brethren then present and entitled to vote. The   (Rule  125,  Book  of  Constitutions).  If  he  partakes  of  the
 Brother  so  elected  to  the  office  of  Master  shall  be  duly   banquet the brother introducing him shall be responsible for
 Installed  at  the  Regular  Meeting  in  March,  when  he  shall   payment of his proportion of the  expense of the same unless a
 appoint his Wardens, Secretary and other Officers and invest   proposal shall have been regularly carried in open Lodge to
 the Treasurer and the Tyler.  make such a visitor a guest of the Lodge.

   III                        V
 Shall consist of the Master, Treasurer, Immediate Past Master,   The  books,  papers,  jewels,  furniture    and  property,  of
 Secretary, Senior Warden, and Master of Ceremonies for the   whatsoever kind, belonging to the Lodge, shall be considered
 time being and his Assistant, together with a Past Master of the   as vested in the Master and Wardens for the time being, in trust
 Lodge who shall be elected at the regular meeting in January. It   nevertheless  for  themselves  and  the  other  members  of  the
 shall meet at least once a year, the first meeting to be held as   Lodge. (Rule 143, Book of Constitutions) The principal Books
 soon as convenient after the Installation meeting.  consist of the Minute Book, the Declaration Book, the Book of
       Accounts and the Property Book. Changes in property will be
       recorded in the Minute Book.
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