Page 73 - Amo Amass A-muse is some of the fruit of a lifetimes love of Freemasonry - the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235
P. 73


                    EMONSTRATED IN THE NINE MUSES, as explained in the Province of
                    Jersey. It is known that it came to them from Birmingham about 15 years ago.
            DBefore singing the last verse of the Initiates Song, all brethren rise and form
            the Initiates Chain around the tables, except the speaker who faces the W.M. and the
            Candidate who remains outside between the W.M. and the Brother on his right.
               “Brother — (Can)   on your first evening in Freemasonry allow me to explain
            to you the reasons for the Initiate’s Chain and its formation.
               Arms are not crossed but outstretched. A Brother with his right hand, clasps the Left
            Hand of the Brother next but one on his right, passing his hand in front of his right hand
               You will observe that a Brother’s arms cross the breasts of those next to him on either
            side, thus to protect him, if the need arise, from the attacks of the insidious.
               A Brother’s hands reach beyond his immediate neighbourhood, symbolising Masonry
            goes beyond helping a Brother and reaches out into the World to help those who are not
            Masons and to do good to all men.
               You will observe that the Chain is a Double Link Chain, and should it please the G.A.O.T.U.
            to call a brother to the Grand Lodge above, (The Brother on the right of the W.M. removes his
            hands from the Chain and drops out) the Chain remains unbroken. This is again strengthened
            by the inclusion of an Initiate. (The Can. replaces the brother in the Chain.)
               The Formation of this Chain shows that with open arms we receive you into
            Freemasonry, into this Lodge and into our hearts in this fraternal circle.
               At this point our hands reach out from the Past, represented by the I.P.M., over the present
            represented, by our Worshipful Master, to the future, represented by yourself, the Initiated.
               The slight swaying movement, (Brethren sway side to side slightly) signifies that the
            Chain is being stretched and tested, but remains sound and unbroken, symbolising that
            Masonry is able to meet and overcome difficulties in every circumstance.”
               The last verse of the song is now sung in this position, the chorus being repeated three
            times. The Chain is now broken and all sit.
               Something like this is very old. A chain was formed in Austria to close the Lodge in the
            time of Mozart, The Pilgrim Lodge, whose ritual is in German, still use it.

            P.J.D.  1962
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