Page 32 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 32


                Best and Most Versatile Agricultural Land
                Soil is a finite resource that fulfils many important functions and services for society. It is a
                growing medium for food, timber and other crops, a store for carbon and water, a reservoir of
                biodiversity and a buffer against pollution. If you are proposing development, you should seek to
                use areas of poorer quality agricultural land in preference to that of a higher quality in line with
                National Planning Policy Framework para 170. For more information, see our publication
                Agricultural Land Classification: protecting the best and most versatile agricultural land15.

                Green Infrastructure, Improving Your Natural Environment.
                Inclusion of Green Infrastructure (GI) in to development plans can provide multifunctional benefits
                to the area. These can include opportunities for recreation, health and wellbeing and access to
                nature as well as providing connected habitats for wildlife.
                Your plan or order can offer exciting opportunities to enhance your local environment through
                inclusion of GI. If you are setting out policies on new development or proposing sites for
                development, you may wish to consider identifying what environmental features you want to be
                retained, connected, enhanced or new features you would like to see created as part of any new

                Examples might include:

                    x  Providing a new footpath with landscaping through the new development to link into
                       existing rights of way or other green spaces.
                    x  Restoring a neglected hedgerow or creating new ones.
                    x  Creating a new pond as an attractive feature on the site.
                    x Planting trees characteristic to the local area to make a positive contribution to the local
                    x  Using native plants in landscaping schemes for better nectar and seed sources for bees
                       and birds.
                    x  Incorporating swift boxes or bat boxes into the design of new buildings.
                    x  Considering how lighting can be best managed to encourage wildlife.
                    x   Adding a green roof or walls to new or existing buildings.

                You may also want to consider enhancing your local area in other ways, for example by:
                    x  Setting out in your plan how you would like to implement elements of a wider Green
                       Infrastructure Strategy in your community.
                    x   Assessing needs for accessible greenspace and setting out proposals to address any
                       deficiencies or enhance provision.
                    x   Identifying green areas of particular importance for special protection through Local
                       Green Space designation (see Planning Practice Guidance on this16).
                    x  Managing existing (and new) public spaces to be more wildlife friendly (e.g. by sowing
                       wild flower strips in less used parts of parks, changing hedge cutting timings and
                    x Planting additional street trees.
                    x  Identifying any improvements to the existing public right of way network, e.g. cutting back
                       hedges, improving the surface, clearing litter or installing kissing gates) or extending the
                       network to create missing links.
                    x  Restoring neglected environmental features (e.g. coppicing a prominent hedge that is in
                       poor condition or clearing away an eyesore).


                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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