Page 46 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 46


                    Dear Gillian,

                    Sorry for the late response to your email.

                    Waterperry produced a Village Plan in 2014, which was not a Neighbourhood Plan.
                    We have been considering doing a Neighbourhood Plan, but have come stuck due to
                    the lack of any potential parishioner involvement. Even with the prospect of OxCams
                    (Oxford to Cambridge Expressway [in effect a dual carriageway or motorway]) via
                    Aylesbury (one option) coming close to Waterperry Village, and also potentially
                    very close to your village, this has not seen anyone coming forward. We have been
                    told a Neighbourhood Plan could give weight to prevent it coming near our villages
                    although, as with your housing developments, probably a little late. Another advantage
                    of a Neighbourhood Plan is that the Parish Council would get 25% of all CIL paid on
                    housing developments, whereas without one it is 15% and capped to a yearly
                    maximum based on the number of properties paying council tax so could be
                    substantially less than 15%.

                    Personally from the knowledge I have, I would suggest you go straight for a
                    Neighbourhood Plan, where grants can easily be claimed to cover some, if not all, of
                    the costs. Hopefully, your parishioners would get involved and help in this process.
                    Worminghall are progressing a Neighbourhood Plan, so would be best to consult
                    with them.

                    We are not aware of anything in Waterperry that may affect Ickford. However,
                    aplanning application for 500 houses (could end up being more) on the Brookes Site
                    in Holton (Wheatley) is currently in. Brookes will be moving out within the next
                    few years and plan to sell the land for as much as they can via housing development.
                    Link to SODC Planning  Application within Holton Parish is  http://
                    S4254/O. Entrances to this development would be on the Waterperry Road at Holton
                    (as currently. which goes to Waterperry and then Worminghall) and by the A40 Exit
                    into Wheatley/Holton. This planning application is in addition to the houses currently
                    being built in Wheatley on the other side of the A40 near the Doctor’s Surgery.

                    If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

                    Kind regards,
                    Adrian Cave
                    Clerk to Waterperry [with Thomley] Parish Council

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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