Page 45 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 45


                                         Annex 5.

                                         Consultation with neighbouring

                                         parishes – January 2018.

                                         All adjoining parishes were contacted to ascertain their views on our plan but
                                         also to ascertain if they would like to collaborate or offer advice or support.

                   On 17 Jan 2018, at 11:14, Gillian Jermy <> wrote

                   Dear Sir/Madam,

                   I am writing to you as a resident of the neighbouring village of Ickford and as a member
                   of a steering group who are just beginning to try and put together a Neighbourhood
                   Plan for the village.  Although we come under Aylesbury Vale DC, rather than South
                   Oxfordshire, the Neighbourhood Plans Officer for AVDC has advised us to contact all
                   our neighbouring Parishes to see if there are any issues that might affect Ickford and
                   indeed the reverse, if there is anything in Ickford about which you may have concerns.
                   This project has been initiated as a result of the three applications for quite substantial
                   housing development in Ickford which are currently being considered by AVDC,
                   obviously too later to have much influence on them but better late than never.

                   I can see from your website that Waterperry published a very comprehensive Village
                   Plan in 2014. Could you tell me if this the same thing as a Neighbourhood plan?  We are
                   pursuing what seems to be entitled a Neighbourhood Plan as we understand it actually
                   has some legal weight in influencing the council planning department. May I ask did
                   you undertake all the work for the plan yourselves or did you employ a consultant, as
                   seems to be the case for some neighbourhoods. Any advice you could give us would be
                   very gratefully received, particularly how to gather evidence and engage the whole
                   community effectively.

                   If the Parish Council has no issues around this, that is absolutely fine but if there are any
                   things they would like to discuss, please feel free to do so or to put me in contact with
                   any interested parties. This project is being carried out in collaboration with our Parish
                   Council, one of whose members is on the steering group, but we are trying to divide
                   up the tasks among us, hence the contact from me rather than them.

                   Many thanks and best wishes,
                   Gillian Jermy

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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