Page 23 - Ickford Neighbourhood Plan
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                                         and non-designated heritage assets in Ickford. It is important that non-designated
                                         heritage assets are accounted for and covered within the heritage policies as their
                                         value to the community is often as much as those which are designated.

                                           7.8. The following policy supports the approach to protecting heritage assets
                                         and their setting as set out in Chapter 16 of the NPPF (conserving and enhancing
                                         the historic environment) and Policy BE1 of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan
                                         which refers to Heritage assets.

                                                          POLICY: BEH1 HERITAGE ASSETS

                                             THE Neighbourhood Plan attaches great weight to the conservation of
                                             heritage assets. Both designated and non-designated heritage assets in Ickford
                                             will be safeguarded in line with Paragraph 195 of the National Planning Policy
                                             Proposals that preserve those elements of the setting that make a positive
                                             contribution to the heritage asset should be treated favourably.. .. .

                                           Ickford Conservation Area

                                           7.9. The conservation area was designated in 1991 and consists of 4 distinct
                                         cores of historic interest. The analysis of these is set out in detail in the Ickford
                                         Built Heritage Assessment. The Assessment also details positive features of the
                                         area (views, trees, listed buildings and buildings of local note).
                                           7.10  All planning applications within the conservation area should explain
                                         how the design of proposals have sought to sustain or enhance positive features of
                                         the area identified in the Built Heritage Assessment.

                                                POLICY BEH2: DESIGN IN THE CONSERVATION AREA

                                              Proposals for development must demonstrate that they aim to preserve or
                                              enhance the character or appearance of the Ickford Conservation Area as
                                              detailed in the Ickford Built Heritage Assessment.

                                              All planning applications within the conservation area must demonstrate
                                              how the design of proposals have sought to preserve or enhance positive
                                              features of the area.

                                              All planning applications should achieve a high standard of design
                                              The design of development proposals should reflect the style of existing
                                              buildings and the character of the streetscape in respect of the use of
                                              construction materials, and finishes for buildings and extensions. New
                                              buildings should be of a scale, size, and proportion so as to to complement
                                              the character of traditional buildings and reflect the traditional building
                                              material palette utilised in the village.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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