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Many of the sites mentioned in the book can be accessed via , which will also contain updated
By Robert Kiley information on site address changes.
Elizabeth Graham About the authors
With a Foreword by Robert Kiley is a frequent commentator on health/Internet
Phil Hammond issues and has appeared on BBC and Sky Television, and BBC
Radio 4.Head of Systems Strategy at theWellcome Library for the
History and Understanding of Medicine,he has written a number
of related books including Medical Information on the Internet
IGH QUALITY HEALTH INFORMATION is the (Churchill Livingstone,2 Edition,1999) and The Doctor's Internet
best medicine available.The Internet unlocks the Handbook (RSM Press, 2000). He also edited the bi-monthly
door to a wealth of resources,far greater than any journal He@lth Information on the Internet from 1998 to 2000.
library can hope to provide. Key health resources such as
medical databases,clinical guidelines and drug compend- Elizabeth Graham is Deputy Information Service Manager at
iums can now be accessed by anyone connected to the the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of
Internet. Medicine. She is an experienced Internet user and has run a
number of training courses on how to search the Internet
More and more of us are using the Internet to locate health
information. The Office of National Statistics recently revealed effectively.
that 35% of UK households can connect to the Internet and
another study in the US concluded that over half of Internet Contents
searches are health-related.
Section 1 - Introduction and getting started
But patients, doctors and health care professionals all face the
problem of finding high quality and relevant information. This Consumer health information on the Internet;Connecting to the
book solves that problem, introducing the general reader to the Internet; TheWeb Browser and email.
wealth of health information on the Internet and explaining,
through examples,how to find health information specific to their Section 2 - Searching for Information
needs. It provides guidance on searching and evaluating health Searching theWeb;Medical databases on the Internet;Discussion
Web sites and also contains an A-Z section, which lists keyWeb lists and newsgroups.
addresses, patient support groups and email discussion lists for
over 100 common conditions.With this information the public Section 3 -Your health and the Internet
can become more informed about their health and play a more NHS services and the Internet; Drug information on the Internet;
active role in the health care process. Complementary and alternative medicine on the Internet;
Pregnancy, childbirth and infant care information sources on the
The Patient's Internet Handbook gives practical advice on
how to connect to,and use,the Internet
Section 4 - Keeping safe
searching theWeb
Quality of health information on the Internet;The empowered
using medical databases patient?; The future.
discussion lists and newsgroups
Section 5 - 100 Medical conditions: sources of
accessing NHS information information on the Internet
assessing the quality of health information on the Internet
making the most of your consultation paperback,1-85315-498-9,294pp,October 2001
An essential purchase for patients and their families,The Patient’s Published by RSM Press
Internet Handbook will be equally useful for doctors and other
health care professionals.
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