Page 1 - The Royal Society of Medicine Press-flyer- CMA sample
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An essential purchase for patients
and their families and equally useful
for health professionals
gives practical advice on
“It’s meticulously researched, well written and so useful
that within a week of reading it, it’s helped me do a better
this book is the place to start.”
job as a journalist, a doctor, a teacher and a patient . . .
how to connect to,and use,the Internet
when you need fast access to reliable health information,
searching the Web
Phil Hammond, GP , lecturer, writer and broadcaster
“To swim successfully in the huge ocean of medical using medical databases
information that is out there on the Internet you definitely
need webbed fingers! This superb book will be those
discussion lists and newsgroups
webbed fingers that will get you through the tangle of
information quickly, successfully and rewardingly.”
accessing NHS information
Claire Rayner, President of the Patients Association
assessing the quality of health information
on the Internet
making the most of your consultation