Page 11 - Lawtext Environmental Law & Management Journal Sample
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                      1 1 1 1 12 22 22 2  (2008) 20 ELM : ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS – CLIMATE CHANGE, CONSERVATION AND THE ECJ  – SANDS
                      public interest groups should have ‘practicable access to  was proposing to disburse funds in circumstances in which
                      the courts in order to ensure that their legitimate interests  EIA requirements had not been met? Putting it another
                      are protected and that proscribed environmental measures  way, to what extent had the European Community, in the
                      are effectively enforced and illegal practices stopped’. So  form of the European Commission, violated its obligations
                      there’s a policy direction by the European Commission  to protect the environment by funding a project on the
                      itself to recognise that, when it comes to the national  Canary Islands which, it was argued, did not meet the
                      level, effective judicial access is needed in order to protect  Community’s own environmental impact assessment laws
                      environmental rights.                            and requirements?
                          Despite this political support, in the mid-1990s –  In preparing the case the objectors were restricted
                      the period after I had written the article in the Harvard  by the language of the Treaty of Rome adopted in 1957
                      International Law Journal and before the subject was really  and which had a very narrow approach to the question of
                      on the agenda – the European Court of Justice began for  locus standi. Any treaty drafted in 1957 would not have
                      the first time to receive cases which raised the question  envisaged the environment as comprising rights and
                      of whether or not it would move from its traditional and  obligations which may be qualitatively different from other
                      narrow approach to locus standi and recognise access to  rights and obligations. Many of you here this evening may
                      the European Court of Justice to protect environmental  not be lawyers, and understandably you won’t want to
                      rights.                                          get involved in the minutiae of particular rules. In short,
                          The leading case before the ECJ is Greenpeace and  the key legal provision is that part of the Treaty of Rome
                      Others v the European Commission.  It is a case in which  which deals with cases brought by ‘non-privileged actors’,
                      I was involved as counsel, one among several, and it is a  that is to say legal and natural persons other than the
                      case about which today I still feel a considerable degree  Member States themselves or Community legal
                      of unhappiness. Coming to this lecture as one who has  institutions.
                      been always rather supportive of the European Community  Old Article 173 of the EC Treaty provided that such
                      legal order, I recognise that my scepticism about the  applicants had to show that they were ‘individually and
                      Community legal order coincided with the outcome of  directly concerned’ by the measure. The Court of First
                      this case, and the judgment of the Court of First Instance  Instance threw the case out. It ruled that none of the
                      1995. That went on appeal to the European Court of  objectors – the elderly ladies who lived right by the site
                      Justice, which handed down a final judgment in 1998.  where the power plants were going to be, the tomato
                          What was the case about? I will paraphrase, as the  growers who complained that their tomatoes would be
                      facts are somewhat complicated. The Spanish authorities  subject to sulphur pollution,  the local NGOs – nor
                      wanted to support the construction of two coal-fired  Greenpeace had locus standi. They were not directly and
                      power plants on the Canary Islands. Greenpeace and a  individually concerned by the measure. The case went on
                      couple of local NGOs, together with a larger number of  to appeal.
                      local citizens, objected to the power plants on the grounds  The ECJ ruled that adoption of the act which
                      that at that point, 1993/1994, it was not a sensible use  concerned them touched them only in a ‘general and
                      of public resources to be investing in new coal-fired power  abstract fashion’. They were like any other person in the
                      plants. Some of the individual applicants lived just metres  same situation, part of a general class, so not individually
                      away from the site. The objection was based on the  concerned by the act.  Let us pause here. This category
                      existence of alternative technologies available, which would  of applicants is no different from any other individuals or
                      enable the challenge of climate change to be addressed  associations, said the ECJ. They are not able to show that
                      through less environmentally harmful means, including in  they are different in any way such as to be individually
                      respect of the climate.                          concerned by the measure. It is readily apparent that this
                          The Spanish Government made an application to the  approach effectively excludes all environmental challenges
                      European Commission for funds and was successful in  to the European Court of Justice by non-privileged
                      obtaining a disbursement of  €128 million, (or the  applicants, because where the environment is concerned
                      equivalent in  ecus as they then were), under the EC  there will not be circumstances in which one group of
                      Structural Funds programme. The money was to be  individuals or NGOs could be said to be more individually
                      transferred from the Community to Spain, and Spain would  affected by the construction of a power plant than another
                      then pass it on to the developers. Against this background,  group.
                      it was alleged that there were problems with the    The ECJ also ruled that there was no ‘direct concern’.
                      environmental impact assessment, a process undertaken  The court ruled:
                      by the developer which was being challenged separately
                      in the Spanish courts. The issue arose: could the objectors  In appraising the appellants’ arguments purporting
                      bring proceedings not just against the developer (or  to demonstrate that the case-law of the Court of
                      Spain) in the Spanish courts, but also against the  Justice, as applied by the Court of First Instance, takes
                      European Community on the grounds that the Community  no account of the nature and specific characteristics
                                                                          of the environmental interests underpinning their

                      8 Case C–321/95 P Greenpeace and others v EC Commission 1998
                         ECR I 6151 (first instance judgment is at 1995 ECR II-2205).  9 ibid.

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