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84  The emergence of European Union environmental criminal law – Part I  :  Hedemann-Robinson  [2008] 3 Env. Liability
                         – approximation, where necessary, of rules on criminal  In addition to facilitating cross-border cooperation
                           matters in the Member States, in accordance with  between national authorities, the third pillar envisages a
                           the provisions of Article 31(1)(e).           deeper level of collaboration among Member States on the
                                                                         subject of crime. Specifically, the third indent of the second
                      Articles 30–32 EU flesh out in detail the essential  paragraph to Article 29 EU envisages the approximation of
                      parameters of interstate cooperation with regard to the  national criminal laws, where necessary. Such legal
                      first two indents of the second paragraph of Article 29 EU.  integration is to be conducted ‘in accordance’ with Article
                      Those first two indents are intended to provide a basis for  31(1)(e) EU which provides:
                      developing cooperation between Member State authorities
                      on addressing the handling of cross-border crime, the major  Article 31 Common action on judicial co-operation in
                      preoccupation of the third pillar. Article 30 EU foresees a  criminal matters shall include:
                      number of steps to be taken in the field of police cooperation  […]
                      between Member States  and at European level  through  (e) progressively adopting measures establishing
                      Europol  and the European Judicial Cooperation Unit       minimum rules relating to constituent elements
                      (Eurojust).  Collaboration between national police        of criminal acts and penalties in the fields of
                      authorities is to include: operational cooperation in relation  organised crime, terrorism and illicit drug
                      to the prevention, detection and investigation of offences; 111  trafficking.
                      exchange and management of information held by law
                      enforcement services subject to personal data protection; 112  Whereas the initial version of the third pillar provided a
                      cooperation and joint initiatives research;  and common  limited and conservative range of policy instrumentation
                      evaluation of particular investigative techniques used to  for implementing its agenda,  later amendment by virtue
                      detect serious forms of organised crime.  Article 31(1)  of the ToA made some important changes. Specifically, the
                      EU provides that common action on judicial cooperation  amended and current version in Article 34(2) EU offers
                      in criminal matters at national level between national  the possibility of a broader range of pillar three measures
                      authorities shall include: facilitating and accelerating  being adopted, namely: common positions; framework
                      cooperation between national authorities in relation to  decisions for the purpose of approximation of Member State
                      proceedings and enforcement of decisions;  facilitating  rules; decisions for pursuing objectives other than
                      extradition between Member States; ensuring compatibility  approximation; and conventions. Of most significance is
                      of national rules where necessary to improve judicial  the innovation of the framework decision, a legislative-type
                      cooperation;  preventing jurisdictional conflicts between  instrument not requiring ratification (unlike the format of
                      Member States;  and progressively adopting measures  a convention) as described in Article 34(2)(b) EU:
                      establishing minimum rules relating to constituent elements
                      of criminal acts and penalties in certain fields of crime. 118  Article 34
                      Article 32 EU requires the Council to stipulate the   […]
                      conditions and limitations under which national police and  2. The Council shall take measures and promote co-
                      judicial bodies may operate in territories of other Member  operation, using the appropriate form and
                      States in liaison and in agreement with the authorities of  procedures as set out in this Title, contributing to
                      the host Member State.                                    the pursuit of the objectives of the Union. To that end,
                                                                                acting unanimously on the initiative of any Member
                                                                                State or of the Commission, the Council may:
                         107 Article 30(1) EU.                              (b) adopt framework decisions for the purpose of
                         108 See arts 30(2) and 31(2) EU.                       approximation of the laws and regulations of the
                         109 The European policing body established by the 1995 Europol
                         Convention (OJ 1995 C316/1).                           Member States. Framework decisions shall be
                         110 Eurojust is an EU agency established to facilitate cross-border  binding upon the Member States as to the result
                         cooperation between national prosecutors (OJ 2002 L63/1).
                         111 Article 30(1)(a) EU.                               to be achieved but shall leave to the national
                         112 Article 30(1)(b) EU.                               authorities the choice of form and methods. They
                         113 Article 30(1)(c) EU.                               shall not entail direct effect.
                         114 Article 30(1)(d) EU.
                         115 Article 31(1)(a) EU.
                         116 Article 31(1)(b) EU.
                         117 Article 31(1)(c) EU.
                         118 Article 31(1)(e) EU.                           119 Former art K.6 EU.

                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY PUBLISHED BY LAWTEXT PUBLISHING LIMITED
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