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                                    [2008] 3  Env. Liability :             The emergence of European Union environmental criminal law – Part I  :  Hedemann-Robinson     7979
               criminal rules unenforceable against individuals relying  take action on relation to analogous contraventions of
               upon directly enforceable Community rights.        national law (equivalence principle); carried out with the
                  The ECJ has also confirmed that Member States have a  same due diligence as would be expected in relation to
               number of general obligations under Community law to  similar types of contraventions of national law; and
               ensure that their implementation of first pillar norms  proportionate in nature. These principles apply, whether
               through national legislation and in practice is effective. In a  or not Community legislation obliges Member States to
               series of cases, the court has ruled that Member States will  enact penalties to counter conduct prohibited or otherwise
               be in breach of Article 10 EC if it is evident that the national  restricted by its provisions. 65
               legal framework used to ensure compliance with        As far as the principles of effectiveness and due
               Community rules is inadequate for that purpose. In the  diligence are concerned, the ECJ has shown that it is
               leading case of Greek Maize,  the ECJ spelt out the duties  prepared to confirm that a breach of Article 10 EC occurs
               incumbent on Member States to provide for sufficiently  under this heading where there is evidence of persistent
               stringent sanctions where Community law prohibited  and manifest failure on the part of Member State authorities
               certain conduct. In that case, the Commission had taken  to sanction transgressors of Community obligations,
               infringement proceedings against Greece on account of it  whether this be on account of inadequate of national
               having failed to take criminal or disciplinary proceedings  sanctions or due to lack of application of penalty provisions
               against customs officials who had issued false export  under national law. For instance, the Commission brought
               documentation in respect of consignments of Yugoslavian  a successful infringement action under Article 226 EC
               maize in contravention of EC trade rules. The relevant EC  against France in the Spanish Strawberries  case, in respect
               legislation did not stipulate that any specific penalties were  of the French authorities’ failure over a lengthy period of
               to be established under national law. Nevertheless, the court  time to take effective legal action under French law against
               clarified that, by implication, a number of important  individuals interfering with the free movement of goods.
               obligations existed under Article 10 EC for Member States:  In French Overfishing,  the ECJ agreed with the Commission
                  For that purpose, whilst the choice of penalties remains  that France had committed a breach of Community rules
               within their discretion, they must ensure in particular that  by failing to enforce fishing quotas set under the Common
               infringements of Community law are penalized under  Fisheries Policy. The court dismissed the French
               conditions, both procedural and substantive, which are  government’s defence that it had encountered substantial
               analogous to those applicable to infringements of national  difficulties in gathering the requisite evidence for the
               law of a similar nature and importance and which, in any  purpose of prosecuting cases. Specifically, it rejected the
               event, make the penalty effective, proportionate and  Member State’s submission that it was necessary to secure
               dissuasive. Moreover, the national authorities must proceed,  evidence of over-fishing through the presence of a sworn
               with respect to infringements of Community law, with the  agent employed at sea. According to the court, evidence of
               same diligence as that which they bring to bear in  over-fishing could be gleaned from considering the quantity
               implementing corresponding national laws. 63       of fish landed at port.  The ECJ has accepted that, in the absence
                  As the Commission was able to show that the Greek  of Community provisions to the contrary, Member States are
               authorities had not taken any action to institute criminal  not bound to enact specific types of penalties in order to fulfil
               or disciplinary proceedings against the officials participating  their EC obligations. At the same time, it has confirmed that
               in the fraud, the court held that Greece had violated Article  Member States remain free to opt for criminal law sanctions
               10 EC. The principles set out in  Greek Maize have  if they so choose, unless this is ruled out by Community
               subsequently been confirmed and expanded upon by the  rules  or constitutes a plainly disproportionate means of
               ECJ.  Most importantly, Member States must ensure that  securing Community policy objectives. 70
               when using a system of penalties under national law in order
               to carry out Community obligations these must be: effective
               in practice; similar in nature to legal proceedings used to

                                                                     65 Criminal Proceedings against M Nunes and E de Matos (n 37) para
                                                                     12 of judgment.
                                                                     66 Case C–265/95 Commission v France [1997] ECR I-6959.
                  62 Case 68/88 Commission v Greece [1989] ECR 2965.  67 Case C–333/99 Commission v France [2001] ECR I-1021.
                  63 ibid paras 24–25 of judgment.                   68 ibid paras 53-54 of judgment.
                  64 See eg Case C–326/88 Anklagemyndigheden v Hansen & Soen  69 Criminal Proceedings against M Nunes and E de Matos (n 37).
                  [1990] ECR I-291, paras 17 of judgment and Case C–186/98  70 See eg Case C–326/88 Anklagemyndigheden v Hansen & Soen
                  Criminal Proceedings against M Nunes and E de Matos [1999] ECR I-  [1990] ECR I-291and Case C–491/06 Danske Svineproducenter v
                  4883, paras 9–12 of judgment.                      Justis Ministeriet 8.5.2008 (nyr).

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