Art Genome Project

New project collecting together images of art from round the world. Good classification

World Wide Art Resources

100,000 images including fine art work, fashion designs, portraits and world art

Visual Arts Data Service

Art Search Engine with staggering amount of links and pages. Lots of contemporary Artists, go to Artists/Masters to look at earlier Artists.

Student Art Guide

Student art guide great resources for GCSE and A Level art students. Wonderful creative sketchbooks, ideas and resources to help you get maximum marks

World Galleries

Museums around the world

Art History - interative

Art History - interative site clever use of web technology - use for images and movements too


Aboriginal Art

Aboriginal Art Online -huge gallery of both contemporary paintings, historic paintings and rock art

Bond Aboriginal Art Gallery - commercial art gallery selling Aboriginal Art

Songlines Aboriginal Art Gallery - easy to navigate with large high quality images

Aboriginal Art

Access Art

Excellent online lessons & workshops for students of all ages

Norman Ackroyd

Excellent landscape prints very atmospheric

African Art

African Art contemporary African Art

Benin Head Sculptures from the Benin Kingdom which was in what is now Nigeria

Benin British Museum reference stunning Brass Heads and other Sculptures from what is now Nigeria

Inside Africa Contemporary African Art

Joel Cooner Gallery

African Sculpture

African Sculpture Images of Sculpture within an American University website

African Art On Wikipedia

Nigerian Art - Benin Head Sculptures from the Benin Kingdom which was in what is now Nigeria

South of The Sahara Huge set of links to other African Art websites  

Twentieth Century African Art Images by contemporary African And Asian Artists

Emily Allchurch

Digital Artist who recreates other Artists' paintings from digital photograph collages

Her website - stunning resource complete with BBC film clips that explore her process

"Tower of London" Her version of Pieter Brugel's Tower of Babel

Emily Allchurch's digital version of London's Crystal Palace building


Art Safari reading pictures of animals at the Museum Of Modern Art in New York

Edwin (Henry) Landseer A collection of his animal paintings

Landseer   Biography on Wikipedia and links to images of his art work

Deborah Butterfield

David Smith                Big Rooster-forged steel Sculpture

Antoine-Louis Barye    Bronze sculptures of animals - some fighting

Albrecht Dürer             Rhino-woodcut print                                                                          

George Stubbs   General gallery of his paintings

A Horse frighted by a lion                 

Chinese    Han dynasty jade horse head   SaddledHorse                                              

John James Audubon Paintings Fox & Goose

The Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Rosa Bonheur             A Limier Briquet Hound

National Museum of Wildlife Art

Edouard Martinet          Junk Sculptures of Fish  

Asian Art

British Museum Chinese Paintings of Buddah

Metropolitan Museum Index of Images of Buddah

'Arab' Art Gallery

Joel Cooner Gallery

Chester Beatty Library

Excellent Lettering and Illuminated Lettering

Islamic Art

American Roadsides

Wonderful website that records giant quirky public roadside sculptures link very well to Claus Oldenburgs giant pieces


Last Expression-Art & Auschwitz


Excellent website that shows his famous paintings

Website of his work


Francis Bacon

Extensive website, lots of paintings and images

Francis Bacon Wikipedia website


Banksy quirky ideas, surreal images and street art. Look at the galleries of 'indoor' art and drawings to avoid the obvious

Aubrey Beardsley

Aubrey Beardsley gothic Victorian illustrator

Julian Bell

Painter. Unusual landscapes and good use of perspective, depth and foreshortening

George Bellows

American painter. Landscapes, Sporting pictures and Boxing paintings

Joan Bevelaqua

Joan Bevelaqua Fantastically lush observational paintings of clothing

Birds in Art

Birds In Art - Since 1976 the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum has organised annual Bird Art exhibitions

Arnold Bocklin

German painter who painted atmospheric landscapes and people. Particularly worth a look are his paintings of the Isle Of The Dead

Arnold Bocklin Excellent reproductions of his paintings but no explanations

Bosch, Hieronymus


George Bellows American painter of landscapes, sporting pictures and boxing paintings

Boyle Family

innovative sculptors who produce sculpture and conceptual pieces

Constantin Brancusi

abstract figurative sculptor this is a link to an exhibition that gives good background information

Constantin Brancusi, examples of the artist's work with the Guggenheim collection

George Braque

Artist who used cubism in some of his paintings

George Braque on Wikipedia

British Museum


Pieter Brugel (The Elder)

16th Century painter of landscapes and ordinary life. Complicated compositions full of stories

Gallery with lots of pictures - look at his series of landscapes on the seasons

Webmuseum pages on Brugel his paintings and a biography

Website in French with lots of his paintings and sketches

Art Brut

website that looks at Art of Trauma, Brutarian art, Outsider Art, Visionary, Folk, and Found Art.


Claire Rollett Landcapes, initially drawn using ink with a nib pen and then developed digitally

Charles Sheeler Paintings of interiors and buildings similar to Georgia O'Keefe and Edward Hopper

Online Gallery for Charles Sheeler

Online Gallery 2 for Charles Sheeler

Stephen Wiltshire, very detailed but fluidly flowing drawings of buildings and landscapes - good for students working on continuous line drawings or looking for different approaches to observational drawing

The Great Buildings Collection excellent starting point for architecture, a huge website that you can search by building or by architect

Edward Burne Jones

online gallery of his paintings

Edward Burne Jones Pre-Raphaelite Painter

Ken Bushe

excellent landscape and sky paintings


Canada's Civilization Museum

excellent exhibition of WW2 Art. British Art, Canadian Art and Australian Art. Themed collections with some more positive images as a contrast to images like Gassed and Paul Nash's paintings

Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da

Amazing Italian painter of portraits and group portraits. Master of dramatic use of light and dark in his work.

Caravaggio Second site with a wonderful chronological archive of Caravaggio's work

Mary Stevenson Cassatt

Mary Cassatt

Patrick Caulfield

British Pop Artist, painter and print maker

Wikipedia site good general biography and a reproduction of After Lunch one of his most famous paintings

British Council website good examples of his work if you follow the links

The Caves of Lascaux

Celtic Art

Burial Mound At Newgrange


Ceramics Magazine

Studio Pottery huge website full of information on different types of pottery and techniques that you can use. Hundreds of Ceramic Artists and Potters work that you can look at.


Centre For The Study Of Cartoons

Paul Cezanne

Giorgio de Chirico

Surrealist painter, produced dream like landscapes featuring imaginative buildings

Online Gallery for Giorgio de Chirico

Chinese Art

Chinese Posters Chinese Posters from the Cultural Revolution

Himalayan Mercantile


Christo unique sculptor and conceptual Artist

Clarice Cliff

Bold, bright hand-painted designs and outrageous shapes are the hallmarks of Clarice Cliff's ceramics. She had a genius for the unconventional.

Chuck Close

Chuck Close American portrait painter

Images of recent and earlier work

Article on Chuck Close

Newspaper article-gives good background

Examination of two Chuck Close paintings


Joan Bevelaqua Fantastically lush observational paintings of clothing

Comics and Graphic Images

Early Comics website examples of early comics and graphic images that date as far back as 300 AD, fascinating site

Rick Griffin influential graphic artist from 1960s, 1970s and 80s

Stephen Conroy

Painter of atmospheric portraits, excellent sense of dramatic lighting. Creates a balance between areas of almost photographic realism and very loose painting. Links very well to the paintings of Rembrandt and Caravaggio

Webpage from a Marlborough Gallery exhibition

Artnet website

John Constable

English landscape painter.

Christ Church Museum



links to every museum and gallery in the UK

Carlo Crivelli

wonderful one point perspective study

Crop Circles


Czech Cubism page of photos of cubist styled buildings and architecture

Cubism an explanation and some examples


Dada Art

A movement in Art where artists horrified by World War One rejected logic an created art that was inspired by anarchy and chaos

Leonardo Da  Vinci

Exploring Leonardo Da Vinci

Richard Dadd

Richard Dadd excellent Victorian painter


Salvador Dali  possibly the most famous Surrealist

Salvador Dali huge online Dali Gallery

Salvador Dali well presented museum site

George de La Tour

Great use of light and dark like Joseph Wright of Derby

Tamara de Lempicka

Superb portraits and figure paintings

Jos de May

Jos de May wonderful optical illusion paintings inspired by Escher and others.

contempory painter, paints surreal landscapes and impossible spaces influenced by Escher

Edgar Degas

French Impressionist, painter of dancers, performers and other people

Degas and the Ballet

Digital Art

Emily Allchurch Digital Artist who recreates other Artists' paintings from digital photograph collages

Her website stunning resource complete with BBC film clips that explore her process

"Tower of London" Her version of Pieter Brugel's Tower of Babel

Emily Allchurch's digital version of London's Crystal Palace building

Claire Rollet Graphic Artist who digitally manipulates her own pen sketches to create digital images

Donatello (Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi)

Very accomplished Renaissance sculptor, look at his later figure sculptures



Thomas Eakins American 19th Century atmospheric portrait and group portait painter

Easter Island Statues

Egyptian Art

Egyptian Art at The Metropolitan Museum

Jacob Epstein

Sculptor of figures and heads, produced amazing stone carvings. Only black and white photos, but worth a look

MC Escher

MC Escher the offical website

The World Of Escher

MC Escher hand drawing a hand

MC Escher hand holding a globe


Definition of Expressionism

German Expressionism

Edvard Munch


Joseph Farquharson

Joseph Farquharson Victorian Landscape painter - painted snowy winter landscapes really well

Webpage with two of his paintings

Biography and lots of examples of his paintings

Tate Gallery excellent painting of a snowstorm

Fashion Drawing

London College of Fashion Paper Pattern Archive, 620 examples of clothing patterns going back to 1920's


Sean Henry wonderful outsize sculptures of people good link to Ron Mueck

Ron Mueck Sculptor who creates hyper realistic larger than life figures Wikipedia page

Exhibition Photos that show scale of work

Jamie Salmon Amazing figures with some great photos of the sculpture techniques

Film or Movie Posters

Wonderful site with hi resolution reproductions of film posters archived by year and alphabetically - will have different versions of posters - very good for comparisons for Graphics students

Museum of Fine Arts Houston


Great site to try out appearance on computer fonts before you use


Depictions of food in paintings

Elizabeth Frink

Sculptures based on animals and figures


Kasimir Malevich, Giacomo Balla & other artists studying movement.



Antonio Gaudi information about Gaudi's buildings in Barcelona


Paul Gaugin good website lots of pictures

Getty Museum

Alberto Giacometti

sculptor of abstract sculptures based on figures

HR Giger

HR Giger surreal European sculptor and painter who produced the concept designs for the 'Alien' films

Rowan Gillespie

Figurative artist - creates groups of figures - great links to Giacometti

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy article and good photographs

Anthony Gormley

Anthony Gormley Angel of The North site run by Gateshead Council

Anthony Gormley excellent site on Gormley’s Sculptures


Graffiti-Art Crimes The Writings On The Wall

Rigby Graham

Rigby Graham print maker

Anthony Green

Anthony Green  Anthony Green Paintings

Anthony Green Wikipedia Site

Rick Griffin

Rick Griffin influential graphic artist from 1960s, 1970s and 80s

John Atkinson Grimshaw

Victorian Landscape Painter. Painted atmospheric night time scenes with dramatic moonlight reflections and light from street lighting

Midnight Muse Grimshaw's paintings of Fairies and Landscapes

The Victorian web Good Biography follow the links to his paintings with a good selection of high resolution images of his landscapes link to - Paintings

Wikipedia good reproduction of Nightfall down the Thames and biography

Juan Gris

Artist who used cubism to create still life paintings

Grizedale Sculpture Park

Guggenheim Museum New York


Maggi Hambling

Portrait painter who uses bright colours and expressive lines to create loose looking paintings

Maggi Hambling her website  


MC Escher hand drawing a hand

MC Escher hand holding a globe

Kathe Kollwitz hands

Auguste Rodin Cathedral Hands

Auguste Rodin more hands

Keith Haring


Sean Henry

Sean Henry wonderful outsize sculptures of people good link to Ron Mueck

Barbara Hepworth

British abstract sculptor who worked in bronze, stone and wood

The Hermitage Museum

Himalayan Art

Himalayan Art commercial site with excellent images

Ando Hiroshige

Ando Hiroshige (1797-1858)

Hirschorn Museum

Hirschorn Museum & Sculpture Garden


Excellent analysis of Hokusai's The Great Wave

David Hockney

David Hockney Salts Mill

Ferdinand Hodler

Ferdinand Hodler Expressionist painter of figures, visual links to Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimpt

Pieter de Hoogh

Painter of buildings, interiors and landscapes - excellent use of perspective

Edward Hopper

General website with biography and wide selection of paintings

Edward Hooper scrapbook or sketchbook sketches for his paintings an excellent site


Heather Jansch driftwood sculptures of horses and other animals

Heather Jansch information within a gallery site

Peter Howson

Stunning painter of people (excellent use of light and dark )  

Peter Howson Angela Flowers Gallery lots of examples of his work



Jos de May Contemporary painter of surreal landscapes and impossible spaces - influenced by MC Escher

Illusions Gallery lots of pictures

Illustration and Illustrators

Children's book illustrators and illustrations huge website that showcases illustrators

Illustrators - Arthur Rackham and other illustrators

Arthur Rackham 19th Century Illustrator who used natural forms to create atmospheric gothic images

John Tenniel Victorian illustrator - famous for his Alice In Wonderland illustrations

Women Illustrators Site archiving Women Illustrators


Indian Art

Ancient Indian Art

Art of Mughal India

Indian Sculpture

Hindu Art

Inside a work of art

Inside a work of art have an adventure journeying inside a work of art

Installation Art


Heather Jansch

Heather Jansch driftwood sculptures of horses and other animal

Japanese Art

Japanese Prints commercial gallery site with wide range of images

Japanese Prints commercial gallery with amazing 20th Century prints

Japanese Prints Ukiyo


Hokusai and Japanese Art

Ando Hiroshige

Japanese Art site that lists paintings, prints, sculpture etc


Frida Kahlo

Painter of striking self portraits that reflected her turbulent life

John Keane

Contemporary UK artist.  

Work at the Imperial War Museum  John Keane

Gustav Klimt

Gustav Klimt see also Ferdinand Hodler

Gustav Klimpt gallery of paintings

Website with lots of reproductions


Kathe Kollwitz

Examples of her Print work

Kathe Kollwitz Museum Berlin

Kathe Kollwitz Museum in Koln excellent virtual tour of their collection with good quality reproductions



Julian Bell Painter. Unusual landscapes and good use of perspective, depth and foreshortening

Ken Bushe excellent landscape and sky paintings

Joseph Farquharson Victorian Landscape painter - painted snowy winter landscapes really well

Webpage with two of his paintings   Biography and lots of examples of his paintings

Tate Gallery excellent painting of a snowstorm

John Atkinson Grimshaw Victorian Landscape Painter. Painted atmospheric night time scenes with dramatic moonlight reflections and light from street lighting some smaller pictures and biographical details

Illusions Gallery lots of pictures

Midnight Muse Grimshaw's paintings of Fairies and Landscapes

The Victorian web Good Biography follow the links to his paintings with a good selection of high resolution images of his landscapes. link to - Paintings

Wikipedia good reproduction of Nightfall down the Thames and biograph

Claire Rollet Graphic Artist who digitally manipulates her own pen sketches to create digital images

Last Expression

Last Expression-Art & Auschwitz

Roy Lichtenstein

Pop Artist who produced Art work based on comic images and advertising

Link to his 1960s work probably his best 'pop art'  select decade and then year

Example of his painting

Toulouse Lautrec

Toulouse Lautrec French artist who created some stunning paintings and prints

Richard Long

Sculptor, conceptual landscape artist, walker and photographer

Los Angeles County Museum of Art



LS Lowry


David Mach

David Mach Sculptor and digital artist, some great computer manipulated photo montages and quirky sculptures

David Mach photos of his sculptures

Rene Magritte

Rene Magritte good biographical detail

Rene Magritte excellent pictures

Rene Magritte good website excellent pictures


Simon Patterson The Great Bear - wonderful conceptual piece based on The London Underground Map

Franz Marc

Web Museum biography and images of his work

Wikipedia biography and images of work

Google image search

Marlborough Fine Art Gallery

London gallery with work by huge range of Fine and Graphic Artists.

John Martin

Eighteen Century 'Romantic' Painter. Created powerful emotional landscapes

John Martin online gallery

Edouard Martinet

Edouard Martinet junk sculptures of animals fish and insects


Himalayan Masks use arrows at the bottom of the page to look at other images

Himalayan Mercantile commercial site with excellent images

Masks of the World

Henri Matisse

French painter & The Fauves

Henri Matisse lots of examples of paintings

Megalithic Art Sites

The Stone Pages British Stone Circles excellent  photographs

The Metropolitan Museum



Sir John Everett Millais Pre-Raphaelite Artist famous for Ophelia painting

Milton Keynes

Website of public art in Milton Keynes interesting examples of painting, figurative and abstract sculpture

Amadeo Modigliani

Amadeo Modigliani good website lots of pictures


MOBA Museum of Bad Art Art too bad to be ignored


Moma Art Safari

MOMA Museum of Modern Art NYC, USA

MOMA Museum of Modern Art San Francisco, CA

Piet Mondrian

Piet Mondrian abstract painter

Examples of his paintings within a posters website


Claude Monet

Landscape painter and famous impressionist

National Gallery paintings

Series of paintings of Gare Saint-Lazare Train Station

Monet ABC Gallery

One of his paintings

Website that shows his paintings, his home and a biography

Web gallery of his paintings

Henry Moore

English sculptor famous for abstract and natural form sculptures. Link to Henry Moore foundation

Photos of his abstract and figurative sculpture

William Morris

English designer and craftsperson


Chronophotograph - photographs of movement sequences Muybridge on YouTube

The Futurists Kasimir Malevich,  Giacomo Balla & other artists studying movement.

Futurists movement in art that emphasised the power, force and motion of machinery combined with the fascination with speed                                                              

Marcel Duchamp 1912 painting that shows movement by overlaying cubist images of a figure descending a staircase.                                                                              

Movement in Painting work by Futurists & Marcel Duchamp 

Edweard Muybridge

Early photographer of movement

The Father of the moving Image

American website about his movement photography

Ron Mueck

Sculptor who creates hyper realistic larger than life figures

Wikipedia page

Gallery of his work

Exhibition Photos that show scale of work

Edvard Munch

Edvard Munch painter of the scream Norwegian Expressionist painter and print maker

Munch Museum of Munch's work and links to artists influenced by Munch

Edvard Munch expressionist painter 'famous' for 'the scream' good reproductions of his work here


Cornucopia links to every museum and gallery in the UK

Mysterious Places

Site looking at Prehistoric Stone Circles and Sculptures


National Fine Art Education Digital Collection

Archive of art work from practicing artists in education that stretches back from the present day to the 1880's

National Gallery


National Gallery of Art


National Museum of Women in Art

Washington, DC, USA

National Portrait Gallery


Native American Art

Native American Art

Brilliant pictures - very minimal looking website but well worth following the links

British Museum Native American Artefacts and Objects in the British Museum

Logan Museum Online Collection of Native American Art and Artefacts


Georgia O'Keefe

Amazing American Painter

David Olere

Paintings bearing witness to his horrific experiences of Auschwitz concentration camp

Claes Oldenburg

Quirky pop art sculptor

Claes Oldenburg exhibition website - very good range of work and images  

Optical Illusions

Masters of Deception Optical Illusions

Jos de May wonderful optical illusion paintings inspired by Escher and others.


Simon Patterson

The Great Bear - wonderful conceptual piece based on The London Underground Map

Pavement or Street Art

Kurt Wenner pavement artist follow link and click on portfolio link to see more examples

Stuart Pearson Wright

Photo realistic portrait painter, some of his work has a quirky 3D aspect to it. Excellent portrait of JK Rowling

Grayson Perry

Ceramic artist & 2003 Turner Prize winner


1point examples

Julian Bell Painter. Unusual landscapes and good use of perspective, depth and foreshortening

Pieter de Hoogh painter of buildings, interiors and landscapes - excellent use of perspective

Carlo Crivelli(One Point Perspective Study) The Annunciation, with Saint Emidius

Gallery with different examples of perspective

Giovanni Battista Piranesi Fantasy on a Magnificent Triumphal Arch, 1765

Raphel's The School Of Athens a number of different views

Pieter Jansz Saenredam painter of perspective studies of the insides of churches and landscapes

Johannes Vermeer The Music Lesson

Lessons in perspective

Studio lessons in Perspective

Sackville High School explanation of one point, two point and three point perspective

Sanford Create Art technique demonstration one-point perspective

Tom Phillips

Quirky eclectic contemporary artist, mixes paintings with words and ideas


Emily Allchurch Digital Artist who recreates other Artists' paintings from digital photograph collages

Her website stunning resource complete with BBC film clips that explore her process

"Tower Of London" Her version of Pieter Brugel's Tower of Babel

Emily Allchurch's digital version of London's Crystal Palace building

Bill Brandt atmospheric black and white photographs from the early 20th century

Derelict London wonderful photos of decaying London


Pablo Picasso official website

Picasso's Guernica paintings

Website that covers many stages of his work

Cubist painting

Jackson Pollock

Website of his paintings

Wonderful animation that allows you to make your own pollock

Pop Art

Roy Litchtenstein Pop Artist who produced Art work based on comic images and advertising


Buddha-Amitabha Meeting the Soul of a Righteous Man on its Way to the Pure Land Khara-Khoto 12th century

Leonardo Di Vinci- Madonna and Child

Frida Kahlo-Self Portrait

Frida Kahlo-Self-Portrait with Monkey

Gustav Klimt-Head of a Recumbent Man

Gustav Klimt-Portrait of Mada Primavesi

Henri Matisse-Henriette

Roy Lichtenstein-Dr. Waldmann  use image viewer no thumbnail

Pablo Picasso-Portrait of Benet Soler

15th Century Stained Glass of St George

Stephen Conroy Painter of atmospheric portraits, excellent sense of dramatic lighting. Creates a balance between areas of almost photographic realism and very loose painting. Links very well to the paintings of Rembrandt and Caravaggio

Webpage from a Marlborough Gallery exhibition

Artnet website

Stuart Pearson Wright photo realistic portrait painter, some of his work has a quirky three aspect to it. Excellent portrait of JK Rowling

His Portrait of JK Rowling

Chris Peters Modern day surrealist. Painter of wonderful vanitas paintings including skulls

National Portrait Gallery

Andrew Tift contemporary photorealist portrait painter - paints on unusual surfaces


The Art of The Poster The largest collection of polish posters excellent resource for anyone looking at graphic design

Poster Art huge website for posters excellent section on soviet propaganda posters

Bob Masse psych rock poster art

Polish posters an excellent site

Propaganda Posters

Alexander Redchenko Russian artist and photographer

Soviet Posters Blog great range of images

Soviet posters

Film Posters

Movie Poster Awards wonderful site with hi resolution reproductions of film posters archived by year and alphabetically - will have different versions of posters - very good for comparisons for Graphics students


Studio Pottery huge website full of information on different types of pottery and techniques that you can use. Hundreds of Ceramic Artists and Potters work that you can look at.


Edward Burne Jones Pre-Raphaelite Painter

Sir John Everett Millais Pre-Raphaelite Artist famous for Ophelia painting

Public art

Public Art links to art in public places variety of links and images

Milton Keynes website that details all public art in Milton Keynes interesting examples of painting, figurative and abstract sculpture


Arthur Rackham

19th Century Illustrator who used natural forms to create atmospheric gothic images

Peter Randall-Page

Contemporary abstract sculptor

Rembrankdt Van Rijn

Very large selection of Rembrandt's paintings and etchings. Look at his etchings for interesting work with lines and an excellent sense of light

The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam-excellent Vermeer & Rembrandt

The Rijksmuseum

Amsterdam-excellent Vermeer & Rembrandt

Bridget Riley

Abstract painter and 'op artist'

Bridget Riley Exploration of colour in Bridget Riley's work

Norman Rockwell

American Illustrator and Graphic Artist whose paintings and images have a real fine art quality

Norman Rockwell website that shows a huge selection of his magazine covers

Alexander Redchenko

Alexander Redchenko Russian artist and photographer

Simon Rodia

Huge natural form inspired buildings in the Watts district of Los Angeles. Lots of visual links to Gaudi, American Folk Art and Spanish Architecture

Simon Rodia 'Watts Towers' on wikipedia

Auguste Rodin

French Painter, Printer & Sculptor

Auguste Rodin - Cathedral Hands Auguste Rodin - more hands

Claire Rollett

Landscapes, initially drawn using ink with a nib pen and then developed digitally

Illustration work gain digital artwork developed from pen sketches

Mark Rothko

American Abstract Painter

Henri Rousseau

Henri Rousseau gallery website lots of paintings and information..  Painter of animals/jungle scenes


Pieter Jansz Saenredam

Painter of perspective studies of the insides of churches and landscapes

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

San Francisco, CA

Rosie Sanders Botanical Artist

Rosie Sanders Botanical Artist very intricate and accurate paintings of flowers

John Singer Sargent

Very dramatic portraits and watercolour landscapes

John Singer Sargent link to his painting 'Gassed' produced during his period as a war artist

Jenny Saville

Jenny Saville English figure painter, uses brush strokes and colours to build up amazing flesh tones


African Sculpture

American Roadsides wonderful website that records giant quirky public roadside sculptures link very well to Claus Oldenburgs giant pieces Car Henge Stonehenge made out of cars

Muffler Men giant sculptures or advertising figures

Easter Island Statues

Heather Jansch information within a gallery site driftwood sculptures of horses and other animal

Richard Long sculptor, conceptual landscape artist, walker and photographer

Richard Serra Monumental sculptor who produces huge abstract forms

Richard Serra retrospective exhibition at Moma in New York great website with audio and video

Sculpture - Figures

Sean Henry wonderful outsize sculptures of people good link to Ron Mueck

Ron Mueck Sculptor who creates hyper realistic larger than life figures Wikipedia page

Exhibition Photos that show scale of work

Jamie Salmon Amazing figures with some great photos of the sculpture techniques

Milton Keynes website that details all public art in Milton Keynes interesting examples of painting, figurative and abstract sculpture

Georges Seurat

Website of his paintings

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte 1884-86

Paul Signac

Impressionist painter who like seurat used dots and squares to build up intense tones and colours


Ken Bushe excellent landscape and sky paintings


Chris Peters Modern day surrealist. Painter of wonderful vanitas paintings including skulls

Richard Smithson

Abstract Sculpture produced some huge earthwork style sculptures great link to Andy Goldsworthy

South American Art

Ancient Mexican Art

The Art of Mexico

Olmec Art Bibliography

Olmec Art on Wikipedia

Logan Museum Online Collection of Peruvian Art


Joseph Farquharson Victorian Landscape painter - painted snowy winter landscapes really well

Webpage with two of his paintings

Biography and lots of examples of his paintings

Tate Gallery excellent painting of a snowstorm

South Pacific Art

Logan Museum

Collection of Masks and Artefacts from New Guinea

Devorah Sperber

Artist who has used perspective and anamorphic projection to produce visually intriguing copies of work by other artists


George Bellows American painter. Landscapes, Sporting pictures and Boxing paintings

Chris Stevens

Chris Stevens Contemporary painter, very good contrast and use of colour. Good figure painter

Still Life

Joan Bevelaqua Fantastically lush observational paintings of clothing

Stone Circles

The Stone Pages Stone Circles & Standing Stones including film and photographs

George Stubbs

English Landscape and Animal Painter


Interesting site on UK Surrealist Artists some good examples of Art in the gallery by some interesting but obscure artists follow links for gallery good definition of Surrealism and information on some of the key Surrealist Artists

Dada Art A movement in Art where artists horrified by World War One rejected logic an created art that was inspired by anarchy and chaos

Salvador Dali  possibly the most famous Surrealist

Salvador Dali huge online Dali Gallery

Salvador Dali well presented museum site

Giorgio de Chirico surrealist painter, produced dream like landscapes featuring imaginative buildings

Rene Magritte wonderful ideas and very realistic painter


The Tate Gallery

John Tenniel

Victorian illustrator - famous for his Alice In Wonderland illustrations


Joan Bevelaqua Fantastically lush observational paintings of clothing

London College of Fashion Paper Pattern Archive, 620 examples of clothing patterns going back to 1920's

Andrew Tift

Contemporary photorealist portrait painter - paints on unusual surfaces

Tigertail virtual web museum

Joseph Mallord William Turner

Joseph Mallord William Turner Landscape Paintings

General Turner website

Wikipedia good biography and links to some of his important paintings

The Turner Prize

Dwight William Tyron

19th Century American Landscape painter excellent renderings of light


Uffizi Gallery Italy


Samuel Van Hoogstraten

Dutch painter very interested in perspective, illusions and the way that we see

Wikipedia page

Peepshow box showing an interior (displayed at the National Gallery in London)

His painting of a letter rack - a flat painting that gives the illusion of being three dimensional

Painting of an interior


Chris Peters Modern day surrealist. Painter of wonderful vanitas paintings including skulls

Victorian Art

Art Magick slightly gothic site specialising in 'obscure' 19th century artists

Art Passions website on Victorian illustrators and graphic artists

Vincent Van Gogh good information on a selection of Van Gogh's more famous paintings. great range of work by Van Gogh, follow link to museum then view as a list by date or as thematically arranged pictures

Diego Velazquez

Atmospheric Paintings of figures and mythological scenes. Very strong sense of light

Johannes Vermeer

Johannes Vermer Webmuseum (good biography & scroll down for examples)

Johannes Vermeer Wikipedia page excellent range of reproductions

Virtual Gallery Pages

Listings of online galleries

John Virtue

Painter of stunning semi-abstract landscapes. This a link to a set of pages within the National Gallery website that looks at the work John Virtue undertook while artist in residence at the gallery

John Virtue collection of John Virtue's earlier rural landscapes

John Virtue monoprints of atmospheric views of London


War Art

The First World War: War Art - excellent site, wealth of images from wide range of artists.

The Second World War: War Art

Posters Imperial War Museum - online collection of Posters Of Conflict from 20th century

VADS - Imperial War Museum collection of 20th War Art

Andy Warhol

The Andy Warhol Museum

John William Waterhouse

Pre-Raphaelite Painter

Web Art Gallery

6,500 European Works of Art

Web Museum


Kurt Wenner

Street or pavement artist follow link and click on portfolio link to see more work

James Whistler

American Artist, famous for evoking mood and atmosphere in his paintings.

Charles Westgarth

Charles Westgarth Accomplished local sculptor who produces finely sculpted almost super realist animal and portrait sculptures

Stephen Wiltshire

Very detailed but fluidly flowing drawings of buildings and landscapes - good for students working on continuous line drawings or looking for different approaches to observational drawing

Women Artists

Women Artists website that lists modern and historic artists, some well known well obscure

Grant Wood

20th Century American Painter of country landscapes and rural scenes. Most famous for his slightly ironic pieces like American Gothic

Leigh Yawkey Woodson

Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum of Bird Art

World Galleries

Museums around the world

Joseph Wright

Joseph Wright of Derby wonderful use of light and dark, very atmospheric

Derby Museum and Art Gallery27 images to view

Tate Gallery


Wikipedia Gallery of paintings

Article and set of pictures

Andrew Wyeth

American painter of figures and atmospheric landscapes

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