Page 26 - Centennial Sketch of the History of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 1877 UGLE
P. 26

                          ThE LODgE Of ThE NINE MuSES.

             P     ETRE, G.M.

                      T0 ALL AND EVERy our right  Worshipful and loving  Brethren,
               L.S.   WE, Robert Edward Petre, LORD PETRE, Baron of Writtle, in the
                      County of Essex, GRAND No’502   MAsTER of the Most Ancient
               No. 502  and Honourable society of Free and Accepted Masons, Greeting:
             KNOW yE, that WE, at the humble petition of our right trusty and well-beloved
             Brethren, JOHN HuLL, Esq., RAPHAEL FRANCO, Esq., RICHARD
             BARKER, Esq., ROBERT BIGGIN, Esq.,  ABRAHAM  TEIXEIRA, Esq.,
             IsAAC  sEQuEIRA, M.D., BARTHOLOMEW RusPINI (sic) and several
             other Brethren, do hereby constitute the said Brethren into a regular Lodge of
             Free and accepted Masons, under the title or denomination of the Lodge of
             THE NINE MusEs, to be held at the Thatch’d House Tavern, in saint James’s
             street, Westminster.  And do further, at their said petition, of the great trust and
             confidence reposed in every of the same above named Brethren, hereby appoint
             the said John Hull, L.J.G.W., to be Master; Raphael Franco, Esq., senior Warden;
             and Richard Barker, Esq., Junior Warden, for opening the said Lodge, and for
             such further time only as shall be thought proper by the Brethren thereof.  It
             being our will that this our appointment of the above Officers shall in no wise
             affect any future election of Officers of the Lodge, but that such election shall be
             regulated agreeable to such bye-laws of the said Lodge as shall be consistent with
             the general laws of the society contained in the Book of Constitutions.   And we
             hereby will and require you, the said John Hull, to take special care that all and
             every the said Brethren are, or have been, regularly made Masons, and that they
             do observe, perform, and keep all the rules and orders contained in the Book of
             Constitutions;  and further, that you do from time to time cause to be entered
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