Page 3 - Thinking of becoming a Freemason
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What is Freemasonry? Why become a Freemason?
Masonry consists of a body of men brought People have their own reasons why they
together for the sake of mutual intellectual, enjoy Freemasonry. The following is a sample
social and moral improvement. of some of the reasons given:
Masonry recognises no distinction of religion Achievement – progressing through the
and emphasises the duties of citizenship. various offices in the Lodge to become
Religious or political discussion is not Worshipful Master.
permitted in Lodge meetings.
Brotherhood – making new friends and
Masonry offers no monetary advantages. acquaintances from all walks of life, every
background and age group.
Masonry supports a wide range of
charities, both Masonic and non-Masonic. Charity – being able to contribute to deserving
causes, both Masonic and non-Masonic.
Education – learning from peers and mentors
by practising ritual and making short speeches.
Knowledge – finding out about the history
and mysteries of Freemasonry.
Masonry recognises no distinction
Self improvement – making a of religion and emphasises the
contribution to your family and society.
duties of citizenship. Religious or
political discussion is not
permitted in Lodge meetings