Page 82 - Amo Amass A-muse is some of the fruit of a lifetimes love of Freemasonry - the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235
P. 82
NvESTmENT OF OFFiCERS — (amendments).
I W.M. to —
D.C. — In our bicentenary year I’ve returned to our original title for this office and I
therefore appoint you Master of the Ceremonies. It is part of your duty to ensure that our
Lodge proceedings are properly adhered to.
Asst. D. of C. — Part of your duty will consist in attending to the Candles during the
ceremony of Opening and Closing the Lodge.
S.D. — Brother I appoint you S.D. of the Lodge and now invest
you with the Jewel of your office — which is a Dove bearing an Olive Branch. Your
place is at or near my right, your duty to bear all messages and commands from me to the
S.W. and await the return of the J.D. It is also part of your duty to attend on Cans. during
the Ceremonies of Passing and Raising. I therefore entrust you with this Wand as a badge
of your office. It is surmounted by a Dove bearing an Olive Branch which was the Crest
of our Founder the Chevalier Ruspini. This is supported by a medallion depicting the first
Freemasons’ Hall which was sketched by J.B. Cipriani, our first Can., and engraved by F.
Bartolozzi, our first Initiate and is used as the frontispiece of the Book of Constitutions
of 1784.
J.D. — Brother……… I appoint you J.D. of the Lodge and now invest you
with the Jewel of your office — which is similar in every respect to that of the S.D. Your
place is at the right of the S.W., your duty to carry all my messages and communications
from the S. to the J.W. and to see that the same are punctually obeyed. It is also part of
your duty to attend on Cans., during the Ceremony of Initiation and to assist the S.D.
while attending on Cans. during the Ceremonies of Passing and Raising. I therefore place
in your hands this Wand — as a Badge of your office which is similar to that of the S.D.
except that the medallion depicts the same design as the Hall Medal which the W.M.
of our Lodge is entitled to wear. Bartolozzi was presented with one for en-graving the
painting of the Freemasons’ Hall. No doubt Cipriani would have been, had he not died.
P.J.D. December 1976 (amdt.)