A Hall Stone
Jewel Lodge

A 1780 Hall
Medal Lodge

Grand Patron of the Grand Charity, RMBI, Masonic Trust for Boys and Girls and the New Samaritan Fund

Available books relating to the Lodge of Nine Muses No.235.
Click book image to view online.

An Account of the Lodge of Nine Muses (1777-2012)

This publication is a history of the lodge from its foundation in 1777 to 2012., Information was compiled from the Minute Books and other sources by Past masters of the Lodge.

Centennial sketch, History of the Lodge of Nine Muses (1777 - 1877)

Presented to the Brethren at the Centennial Festival, held at Long’s Hotel, Old Bond Street on Tuesday 18th May 1877.

Lodge of Nine Muses - The Early History

Compiled by W.Bro. P.J. Dawson OBE., PJGD

Amo, Amas, A-Muse

This publication is some of the fruits of a lifetimes love of Freemasonry, collected, sifted and edited, dedicated to Brother Masons. Compiled by W.Bro. P.J. Dawson OBE., PJGD

The Muses Nine

An explanation of the Nine Muses. Muses were Goddesses who presided over the arts and sciences and inspired those who excelled in their pursuits.

An Insight into The Royal Arch Chapter

A paper presented in Lodge by W.Bro Martin Sutton  SLGR, SLGCR

Artistic connections to the Lodge of Nine Muses

In Paris there was a Lodge of the Nine Sisters (founded in 1776), there was also a Lodge of the Nine Muses in London, founded in 1777 and very artistic.

Nine Muses to the East of London and to the East of St. Petersberg

Two Brilliant Masonic Lodges
in the time of Pascal Paoli

The Grand Master's Order of Service to Masonry

It is my desire as Grand Master to have power to confer on brethren who have rendered special service to Freemasonry a distinction to be known as The Grans Master's Order of Service to Masonry, to rank immediately above the Grand Deacons, with the prefix Very Worshipful.

The Entered Apprentices' song and Initiates Chain

To be performed at the dining table after giving honours to the new E.A., and a pre-amble needs to be delivered covering the following points as outlined in this document

The Worshipful Masters Song

To be performed at the dining table at the Installation Meeting after giving honours to the Worshipful Master.t

Masonic 1780 Hall Medal

Why did Nine Muses receive the Freemasons Masonic 1780 Hall Medal?

Hall Stone Jewel

What is a Hall Stone Jewel Lodge?

Lodge of Nine Muses By-Laws

 Click image to view.

Becoming a Mason

Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason?  
View The UGLE booklet.

UGLE Library and Museum

The Library and Museum of Freemasonry houses one of the finest collections of Masonic material in the world. It is open to the public, Monday to Friday, free of charge.