Page 83 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
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                                         Annex 29.

                                         Neighbourhood Plan website –

                                         Added to the website is the availability to view and download the final Draft Plan
                                         and relevant documents. In addition the capability to make comments either on-
                                         line or by a downloading the comemt form and submitting to clearly marked
                                         boxes in the Village Shop, Ickford Village Hall, Rising Sun Pub, The Church,
                                         Local School and the Ickford Pavillion.

                              April 2019 Update – Neighbourhood Plan
                              has now successfully passed AVDC
                              We can now commence a period of public consultation in accordance with the 2012 Neighbourhood
                              Planning (General) Regulations (Regulation 14). The formal consultation will be for a period of six weeks
                              from Monday 8th April to Wednesday 22nd May 2019. The Draft Plan and accompanying documents are
                              available below.
                              It is hoped that as many people
                              as possible will read the plan and
                              submit comments.
                              On Saturday 11th May from 10am
                              to 3pm we will be holding a drop-
                              in session at the Ickford Pavilion
                              attended by members of the
                              steering group to discuss the plan
                              with you. Whilst no new
                              information will be available, this
                              is your opportunity to comment on
                              this plan.
                              Following revisions from your
                              comments, the final Plan should
                              be  submitted to AVDC in early
                              June.   Examination is likely late
                              Summer and a referendum will be  Ickford Neighbourhood  Ickford Neighbourhood
                              held in Ickford in the Autumn.  Plan – Draft April 2019  Plan Built Heritage

                              Ickford Neighbourhood  Ickford Neighbourhood  Ickford Neighbourhood
                              Plan Consultation Report  Plan Background  Plan Comment Form
                                               Evidence Report

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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