Page 155 - Vauxhall 20-60 H.P. (R Type) Chassis Shop Manual
P. 155


                       GEARBOX – Continued                           ILLUSTRATIONS, LIST OF    ..     ..     .   8
                          Inspection   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   109
                          Replace .      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   109  INDUCTION MANIFOLD
                         Reverse pinion                                Heating     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   130
                          Remove.      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   109  Adjustment       ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   131
                          Inspection   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   109    To remove ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   76
                          Replace .      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   109
                         Lubricant — Capacity     ..     ..     ..     .   118  INSTRUMENT PANEL   ..     ..     ..     .   72
                         Greases      ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   118
                         Grease gun — Points of application    .   118  IMPELLER GLAND
                         Ground Clearance    ..     ..     ..     ..     .  10, 13    Leakage     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   61

                       HAND BRAKE ..    ..    ..    ..    ..    .   38  IMPELLER SPINDLE
                                                                     To remove    ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   61
                       HARTFORD SHOCK ABSORBERS     .          137
                                                                     IMPELLER SPINDLE BEARINGS
                       HEAD LAMPS  ..    ..    ..    ..    ..    .   71    To remove ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   61
                                                                       Inspection  ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   61
                       HEATING INDUCTION MANIFOLD                      Replace      ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   61
                         Description.      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   130     Lubrication.      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   110
                         Adjustment       ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   131
                                                                     JETS, CARBURETTOR
                       HUBS, FRONT                                     Main — To clean     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   129
                          To remove   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   25  Power — To clean and adjust.      ..      .   129
                          Dismantle    ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   25    Slow running — To clean and adjust   .   129
                          Inspection   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   25    Settings     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   130
                          Re-assemble .      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   25
                          Replace ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   25   JOINTS, STEERING
                                                                       To dismantle     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   22
                       HUBS, REAR                                      Inspection ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   24
                         To remove ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   30     Re-assemble and adjust ..      ..      ..      .   24
                         Dismantle  ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   30      Grease .      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   119
                         Inspection ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   30  .
                         Re-assemble and Replace      ..     ..     .   30  JOINTS — PROPELLER SHAFT ..    .   11, 14

                       HYDROMETER ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   62  LAMPS
                                                                       Bulbs ..    ..    ..    ..    ..    ..    ..    .   71
                       IGNITION                                        Warning    ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   72
                         Description.      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   110  .
                         Contact points                              LIGHTING
                          To clean .      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   113       Diagnosis of trouble .      ..      ..      ..      .   17
                           Adjust   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   113       Load   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   71
                           Sychronise   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   113
                          Remove.      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   114     LUBRICANTS    ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   118
                           Inspection   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   114
                           Replace ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   115  LUBRICATION
                         Automatic Advance Mechanism ..    .   115     Summary of Chassis..      ..      ..      ..      .   119
                         Condenser — To test      ..     ..     ..     .   115  Diagram    ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   120
                         Coil     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   116       Rear axle   ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   121
                         Tracing and correcting defects     ..     .   117    Engine.      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .  98, 121
                         Sparking plugs  ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   117    Camshaft bearings     ..     ..     ..     .   121
                         High tension leads  ..    ..    ..    ..    .   117    Connecting Rod bearings ..      ..      .   121
                                                                        Main bearings     ..     ..     ..     ..     .   121
                                                                         Timing chain.      ..      ..      ..      ..      .   121

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