Page 24 - Lawtext Environmental Liabilty Journal Example
P. 24

[2008] 3  Env. Liability :             The emergence of European Union environmental criminal law – Part I  :  Hedemann-Robinson     9191
               that there was any disagreement among the EU’s legislative  measure setting out minimum core offences and sanctions
               decision-making institutions about its prospective  would be significantly more effective than intergovernmental
               promulgation. The Commission remained silent on the  instruments such as the CPECL and Danish initiative. The
               initiative, which suggested tacitly that it had no legal  scene was set for a major institutional battle between
               disagreement about the legal basis used for the proposal.  Commission and Council over the heart and soul of EU
               The European Parliament adopted a resolution  in July  environmental criminal policy, one that would not be
               2000 in favour of the initiative, raising no questions about  resolved between them until some seven years later and
               the use of the third pillar instead of the common  that may well continue at a national level once EU legislation
               environmental policy Title XIX of the EC Treaty as a legal  has finally been adopted, as it is most likely to be in the
               basis (Article 175 EC).                            autumn of 2008.
                  However, in early spring 2001 the picture began to  Part II of this article will examine developments
               change quite radically. In March, on the eve of a substantive  subsequent to the Danish initiative of 2000. When the
               discussion within the Council of the EU on the Danish  Commission published its first draft EC Directive on the
               initiative, the Commission decided to publish a separate  protection of the environment through criminal law in
               legislative proposal on environmental crime based upon  2001, this marked the beginning of a new, supranational
               Article 175 EC and place it before the Council for legislative  phase in the development towards an EU policy on
               negotiation. It submitted that the first and not the third  environmental crime.
               pillar of the EU’s treaty framework was the appropriate  Part II will be published in the next issue of
               basis for the promulgation of EU measures concerning  Environmental Liability and the complete article will be
               certain aspects of environmental crime, and that a first pillar  available at

                  179 OJ 2001 C121/502.

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