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Belt Up for School Kids have endorsed the Irisbus Schoolbus - Parent Company Website
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Irisbus Scolabus Irisbus Scolabus rear
Irisbus Scolabus Seats

Nothing is more important to the future of society than the safety of our children and nowhere is this more apparent than during their daily trips to school or travelling to events organised by their school or leisure association.

This aspect of modern life was the driving force behind the decision by Irisbus to introduce "Scolabus 24" to the UK market. The predecessors of the "Scolabus 24" have been operating in Europe for over six years and its credentials have been proved with more than three hundred vehicles in regular daily service.

They are built to meet the latest safety and environmental legislation and are designed to be developed to meet all known future legal expectations.

The first key safety feature is that the "Scolabus 24" has a high floor line to ensure that all the children are seated above the "crash zone" in the event of a front and side impact. Moreover, in the unlikely event of a vehicle rollover, it is satisfying to know that the body meets the European R66 legislation which specifies a construction strong enough to prevent the roof collapsing onto the children.

The seats are similarly built to high safety standards. Each seat is fitted with an "All Age" three point lap and diagonal seat belt so that, irrespective of the child's age or size, they can be transported with maximum comfort and security. The seats themselves are bolted directly to the floor which meets the relevant EU Directive 76/115 and is capable of withstanding a pull test of 4.5 tonnes per seat. All seats are individually numbered to permit personal allocation. This allows an easy check to be made to ensure that no-one is missed as well as guarding against vandalism.

This initial review of the benefits of the Irisbus "Scolabus 24" would be incomplete without referring to the contribution it makes to reducing congestion on the road. With its seating capacity of 68 passengers plus the driver, schools using the "Scolabus 24" will see a noticeable reduction in traffic around the school gates with the consequent improvement in safety and the surrounding air quality by allowing parents to leave their cars in the garage.

Download the brochure for more detail about the Irisbus Schoolbus

The Scolabus 24 Brochure.

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