Page 3 - Fedral Mogul News Collection
P. 3
Issue 1 - Bradford United News
Eighty-one per cent of respondents
figure 2. Federal-Mogul Employee Survey Results believed that customer satisfaction is one
of the company’s top priorities (question
Bradford - Summary of Results by 72% 7), whilst 72 % agreed that the company
Category is committed to excellence in products
59% 62% and customer service (question 72).
55% Surprisingly – because most of us
44% 52% grumble at some point about the amount of
45% 45% time we spend at work – 79% of you thought
that the number of hours you are expected to
37% work is reasonable (question 43).
28% 30% 31% 32% Other positive areas were in response
23% to questions about Federal-Mogul’s vision
for the future (question 27 – 69%) and
the organisation’s encouragement to act
ethically in all of its business dealings
(question 5 – 69%).
What’s Bad?
Now, let’s bite
the bullet and
have a look at
The Summary what makes
you grind
your teeth.
Let’s look at the summary of the results in greater detail – see figure 2.
There were 62 questions in the survey. These were actually grouped into Looking at reward
16 categories – although on the survey form itself these were all jumbled and recognition, the
up. Figure 2 shows the results, which are expressed as the percentage feedback is not very
responding favourably to the questions relating to each category, and the encouraging. Sev-
average comes out at 44% favourable. enty four percent
didn’t believe that their
contributions were recognised (question
38); 67% felt that they received neither
encouragement nor reward for taking
risks within their defined areas of respon-
What’s Good? sibility (question 47) and 64% felt that
when they did a good job it was not rec-
ognised (question 28).
Another category which came in for
some heavy punishment was in the area
of communication. Nearly three-quarters
Being hard- of respondents – 73% - felt that regular
nosed about it – feedback on how well they were doing
a big chunk of their jobs was not forthcoming. Sixty-
people don’t feel eight per cent believed that management
good about a was not good at keeping employees up-
range of issues to-date with important happenings in the
and we’re not go- business (question 4).
ing to duck that Two areas of real concern are in
but, first let’s have training and continuous improvement.
a look at the posi- Sixty-nine per cent didn’t think that Fed-
tives and see what eral-Mogul provides adequate training for
you did approve of. employees to keep their skills up to date
The most uplifting (question 13); 66% didn’t think there was
results all concerned people’s even the opportunity to improve their
But the real result is to be found in perceptions of their and their work- skills if they wanted to (question 59) and
the section headed – What’s Going to mates' willingness to pull together to get 66% were unaware of what training op-
Change? the job done. Seventy-four per cent felt portunities are available (question 62). A
For those of you with the time and that the people they work with co- dismal 62% cast their votes unfavourably
inclination – and a qualification in operate to get the job done (question when asked whether they believed that
statistics might also help – the full results 30); a similar number (73%) like and commitment to continuous improvement
are available to anyone (Council members respect the people they work with ran from top to bottom in the company
have already been offered this facility) (question 24) and nearly as many, 69%, (question 51).
who wants to see them. feel that the people in their department Perhaps most worrying is that 62%
Mark Gordon has a specially re- work as a team (question 42). were not convinced that management
inforced desk in his office to take the Equally positive feedback showed were fair and honest with
weight of these mighty results – just that, generally, people feel the company employees. 3
ask and he’ll make them available to is putting the right amount of emphasis
you. into delivering good customer service. Continued page 7