Producers and Suppliers
of Bio-Diesel Fuels

Views Farm,
Windmill Hill,
Great Milton,
OX44 7NW

T: 01844 278555
F: 01844 279362



Launch of EEE Bio-Diesel

Boris Johnson MP for Henley, launches EEE and cuts the ribbon  of the first of many pumps that will  supply Biofuel to its customers

Boris Johnson MP Launches a new Bio-Diesel business in Great Milton and is seen here cutting the ribbon of the first of many pumps to supply the Biofuel to its customers.

EEE Launch by Boris Johnson MP 13 July 2007

Boris Johnson MP Launch Information Pack
13 July 2007

Boris Johnson MP cut the ribon of new local Bio-Diesel business

Boris Johnson MP launches local Bio-Diesel business
16 July 2007

Euro Eco Energy welcomed Boris Johnson, MP for Henley, who officially launched their new Biofuel business in Great Milton - 13 July 2007