Family Housing Association


Family Housing Association (Birkenhead & Wirral) Ltd, Marcus House, Marcus Street, Birkenhead, Telephone: 0151 647 5000


Report Anti-Social Behaviour 

Any serious ASB should be reported to the Police.  If someone is in danger then dial 999.  For behaviour where there is not an immediate risk to someone's health dial 101.  The Police need to know about any problems you are experiencing in your neighbourhood.  You do not have to provide your name if you do not want to.  You can also report a crime online to;

> Merseyside Police 

> Crimestoppers (or telephone 0800 555 111 - you don't have to give your name)

Wirral Borough Council also have a dedicated team that deals with Anti-Social Behaviour, you can reach them by calling 0151 606 2020.  You can also contact Wirral Community Patrol on 0151 666 5265 to request that they attend an incident. 


Use the Form below to provide information about Anti-Social Behaviour to Family Housing Association.

Please fill in as much information as you can on the form below.  If the complaint involves bad language please provide the actual language used.  You do not have to give your name or contact details but is is useful if you do.

Your Details (You can remain anonymous and leave this section blank)

The Person Responsible (please provide as much information as you can)
Their Name
Their Address
Their Description (only needed if their identity not known)
The Incident
Date of incident
What time did it start?
What time did it finish?

Where there any witnesses?

(Please provide details)

Have you reported this to anyone else?

If so please say who and provide reference number.

Action Requested
What would you like us to do

Have you checked form and filled in as much as you can?